Adoption processes / applications

Whippet with a sign saying "Please bear with us"

All rescues are under a lot of pressure at the moment and it’s the same for us at JR.
We are sadly seeing an unprecedented amount of whippets needing to come into our care and we work as fast as we can to help them all, but please do bear with us when you get in touch with us for any reason.

So far this year we have taken in / found loving homes for over 100 whippets and we receive messages/calls almost daily about more in need of help too.

We have received over 1500 adoption applications since the 1st January which is wonderful, but I’m sure you can appreciate that it is almost impossible for us to personally get in touch with every single one, while also ensuring everything else within the rescue runs smoothly too.

There are more whippets than ever before needing our help, but with so many adoption applications coming in it’s inevitable, that unfortunately, lots of people will be unsuccessful in their request to adopt a whippet.

The whippets are always at the heart of everything we do. Each dog surrendered into our care is an individual, with different needs and requirements. Most of the whippets coming to us need extra support with behavioural or medical issues so it’s really important that we match them to the most suitable homes for their needs.

Can we please ask that you only fill in an adoption application if you have thought seriously about adopting and would like to potentially proceed further, please also fill in the form honestly. As mentioned already, we have had over 1500 applications and we spend hours of our time going through them all and contacting those we feel may be suitable. There have been a few incidents recently where we have been in touch with wonderful sounding homes, spoken in detail about the adoption process, carried out homechecks and even gone as far as doing meet and greets, only for the home the change their mind or to go and get a dog from elsewhere midway through the process. It’s utterly soul destroying when this happens, not only for us, but also for the dogs who are so deserving of their forever loving homes. It also isn’t far on those who are genuinely wanting to adopt. We appreciate that circumstances change, and we are very understanding in genuine situations but some of the reasons we are given aren’t genuine at all and it’s such a waste of everyone’s time.

So please know that even if you don’t hear from us, we are working so hard behind the scenes and we must get back to people in order of priority to ensure the safely of the whippets needing to come to us.
Thank you for your understanding.

Lisa, Katie and all at JR

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JR Whippet Rescue

Registered Charity 326479

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Patron: Mrs Lilah Wainman
Chair of Trustees: Mrs Kate Bent
Mrs Vanna Leathart
Mrs Judith Farrington
Mrs Maria Hills
Mr Tony Timberlake
Mrs Louise Saturninus

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