How to Leave a Gift to J R Whippet Rescue in your Will

Types of gifts that can be left in your will:


A residuary gift is a share of your estate. Your estate refers to everything you owned, including money in your bank account, investments, and physical belongings such as your property and furnishings. You can leave a specific percentage of the value of your estate after any taxes or costs have been subtracted.


A pecuniary gift is a fixed amount of money.


These are particular items, such as a house, stocks and shares or jewellery. Anything that’s of financial value to you, J R Whippet Rescue would sell these items to raise as much funds as possible.


If you think you would like to create a trust in your will we recommend speaking to your solicitor. The most common trusts are where a supporter gives a friend or relative the opportunity to live in their house for the rest of their life – with J R Whippet receiving the house once the friend or relative has died. There are, however, many other uses for trusts.

When writing or updating your will

When writing or updating your will, we would recommend using a solicitor or a professional will writer. This is because mistakes in your will can cause a lot of stress and expense for your family and beneficiaries. It doesn’t have to be expensive, and you can look around for different quotes to get a good deal.

If you need to look for a reputable solicitor the following will be able to help:

In England and Wales, go to, or call 020 7242 1222.

In Scotland, contact the Law Society of Scotland at, or call 013 1226 7411.

The most important bits of information to include are our name and registered charity number:

J R Whippet Rescue

Registered Charity in England and Wales: 326479

Helpful wordings to include in your will:

Wording for a residuary gift

I give the residue of my estate (or I give:__% of the residue of my estate) to J R Whippet Rescue (Registered Charity in England and Wales: 326479) for its general charitable purposes absolutely. I further direct that the receipt of Chair of Trustees or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

Wording for a pecuniary gift of money or an item/items

I give the sum of £__ to J R Whippet Rescue (Registered Charity in England and Wales: 326479) for its general charitable purposes absolutely. I further direct that the receipt of Chair of Trustees or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

If you would like to download a copy of this information, please click/tap the button below

JR Whippet Rescue

Registered Charity 326479

Donate Website Support


Patron: Mrs Lilah Wainman
Chair of Trustees: Mrs Kate Bent
Mrs Vanna Leathart
Mrs Judith Farrington
Mrs Maria Hills
Mr Tony Timberlake
Mrs Louise Saturninus

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